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The Every Day

Writer's picture: Diane  AlvaradoDiane Alvarado

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” - Colossians 3:17

Looking at the walk of life, I see three different levels. The mountaintops, the plains and the valley's. We spend most of our life living on the plains, we evade walking in the valley at all costs and the mountain-top is refreshing joy. But the majority of our journey is right in between. That outstretched road where you can see for miles. The mundane. The ordinary.

We put a lot of faith in those mountain-top experiences of life. But the plains still come. The mundane stays the course. Then there's the valley's.

We spend a lot of time afraid of those valleys. Fighting to protect ourselves from pain, we set a system in place to keep the sorrow from destroying us.

The result is that the plains get underestimated. The everyday becomes an arena of apathy, season upon season of complacency. Waiting for what we long for and for what we fear. Missing the very moment of where we are. Missing the now.

God is the God of the plains. He is looking over our every day. Our every choice. Every moment, every emotion, every thought, every step. It is a valuable opportunity to see the Presence of God in our lives. There is nothing more essential for the believer than seeing God as Divine in our every day. Enjoy today, don't worry about tomorrow. Enjoy the little moments that often get overlooked. Savor the plains.

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